It is called artificial prosthesis dental implants which will restore functions instead of real teeth that can not function properly.
The implant, which consists of two parts, the root part and the upper part, is recommended for those who have missing teeth or those who wear teeth. After the tooth has completely lost its function, the root piece is placed in the recess. The adaptation of this root piece placed in the nest varies between 3 and 5 months. Once the bone is boiled, the upper part, which is the second level of the implant, is inserted.
The diameter of the implants varies according to the patient’s bone structure, jaw structure and the width of the area to which the implant is applied. Three-dimensional films and panoramic films prepared according to the physician’s patient are examined before the application. After all calculations have been made, the implant is placed in the mouth of the prosthesis patient.
Dental Implant Application and Rehabilitation
Implants made from titanium materials that are biologically compatible with the human body are easily applied under local anesthesia.
Implant rehabilitation is performed on tooth loss and normal life can be continued on the same day. Patient sedation and local anesthesia are performed for dental procedures.
In the rehabilitation of the implant, the jawbone is revealed by surgical intervention made with the gingiva and the implants are placed in this compartment. The doctor indicates the use of medicines and recommendations after the operation.
Implants placed according to the patient’s bone structure show boils for 2 or 6 months. During this period, the patient continues his daily life. In addition to eliminating tooth losses, esthetics and dental implants provide an advantage in removing jaw bone defects.
It is also important that the quality of the material used, the expertise of the implant practitioner, and the correct tactile implant rehabilitation result in successful implantation. Everyone who does not have a disease in the jawbone and who has a problem in health is doing implant application.