Hip aesthetic is a procedure that reshapes the hips. This may include prosthetics or fat injections to enlarge them, or liposuction to reduce their size. Many patients undergo hip aesthetics to give the body a more proportionate and harmonious shape with the rest of the body.
Patients who require hip aesthetics are first examined, taking into consideration their wishes. The surgical method is determined based on the contour of the body, waist size, and the shape of the hips in comparison to the legs.
Depending on the current shape of the hips and the desired look, fat injection may be sufficient. In some patient’s, silicone prosthetics are required to enlarge and erect the hips. The silicone prostheses consist of a gel and liquid solutions, which make it and almost impossible to leak.
Hip Growth Surgery
Hip enlargement surgery is conducted under general anaesthesia. The procedure takes 2-3 hours. This time varies depending on the surgical requirements of the patient. After 2 weeks of hip enlargement surgery, the patient is scheduled for frequent consultation with the physician to monitor progress. After the process, there is a change in the garment bodies.
Brazilian hippo or brazilian poppies have been requested quite recently. Silicone prosthesis is of course used in this. Of course, liposuction and oil injection can also be done when silicone prosthesis is not enough.
Hip Reduction Surgery
Hip reduction is performed to reduce the size of the hips by extracting fat. It is important to consider fat removal from according to the body rate in the surgery that the bigger women prefer. In other words, abdominal region, leg thickness and the structure of the body is important. It may not be possible to perform hip reduction as much as you want. It is determined how small the hip will be before the operation.
Postoperative care
The surgical area needs to remain dry for 2 days. This means avoiding baths and showers.
A specialised corset needs to be worn 4-5 weeks after the surgery.
Avoid exercise for a few months.
Caution needs to be taken to protect the buttocks area. This includes taking care when sitting.
Even if it is a protective corset, it is important that the patient should not force him not to. If the patient has done hip stapling with a rope sling technique, it is necessary to use a corset for 2 weeks.