In our daily lives, we are constantly scanning the faces of other people when communicating. This includes scanning the eyes and mouth for verbal information and detecting facial expressions. The presence of facial and oral deformities may be cause many individuals to feel insecure when communicating. Cosmetic dentistry is used to improve dental aesthetics and facial structure. It is also beneficial in correcting the pronunciation of words and letters correctly.
When undergoing cosmetic dentistry, the overall symmetry of your face is taken into consideration. Your forehead, nose, eyes, and facial contour are closely measured to give you the perfect smile. Everyone has a different look and character. Each restoration is designed according to the special needs and characteristics of the individual. Especially designing the front group teeth is important for natural smile. This is where your dentist realizes your special smile design by considering your wishes. Designing the appropriate smile for your face is truly a work of art.
The factors that enhance the perfect smile include:
- Gender
- Age
- Contours
- Smile symmetry
- Gums
- Teeth alignment, color
- Lips
After the completion of your facial analysis, certain procedures are recommended by the dentist. The most common ones are tooth whitening, gum exercises, porcelain veneers, and dental restorations. Besides these, laser dentistry and gum disease treatment can be suggested if recommended.