3D Laser Lipolysis is a non-invasive liposculpture procedure. Three separate laser lights are used to permanently target fat cells. As a result, stubborn fat is reduced, the appearance of cellulite is improved, and the skin is tightened.
3D Laser Systems
Smart Lipo, Pro Lipo:
Smart Lipo uses traditional liposuction methods and innovative laser technology to permanently reduce fat cells. Smart Lipo uses 1064nm and 1319nm wavelengths to target a specific area of the body. This modification allows for highly effective results.
Super Ultrasonic Laser (SUS):
Super Ultrasonic Laser uses special sound waves to target fat cells. The vibrations sent to the fat cells causes them to separate from the skin causing the appearance of tighter skin. The fat cells are then gathered and removed from the body. The extracted fat cells may be used as filler in different parts of the body.
Laser Cellulite (CelluSmooth):
Cellusmooth is a minimally invasive laser procedure that improves the appearance of cellulite. This laser functions in 3 different modes. These modes allow the physician to penetrate the skin and target fibrous bands. As a result, lumpy and uneven skin appearance appears smoother.
3D laser lipolysis is the fastest procedure in body shaping procedures.